In a forthright letter documented in the Jawâhir al -Rasâ’il, Shaykh Ibrâhîm (RA) writes:
‘And may you know that the Shaykh (al-Tijânî), may Allâh be pleased with him, mentioned a Fayda that would appear in the latter days. And some of the people of Kashf from the disciples of Shaykh Muhammad al-Hâfiz have said that the Imâm al-Fayda will be 30 years old when he appears. So understand my ishârah.
This is what I have told others before you, and I only tell it to those who believe in my words…And I have complete conviction that all benefit is in my company, as per the assertion of the Prophet (SAW) himself and the assertion of Shaykh al-Tijânî! And I am well aware of my matter as I have two Shaykhs: My Shaykh in the Dhâhir is the Qur’ân and Sunnah, and there is none who understands them better than me. And my Shaykh in the Bâtin is al-Shaykh (Ahmad al-Tijânî) and he does not leave my side for a second. Therefore, how can evil come from the Qur’ân and Sunnah, and the Shaykh (al-Tijânî)?’
Shaykh Ibrâhîm wrote this letter at the age of 30 thus indicating that he is the Sâ hib al-Fayda as per the insight of the Hâfidhî Shaykhs
About the spread of the Divine Knowledge on his hands (and the attribution of that to the Fayda al-Tijâniyyah ), Shaykh Ibrâhîm (RA) wrote:
“I carried the Secret of the Seal of the Saints (Ahmad al-Tijânî), And combined in me both the intellectual intuition and the rational knowledge. Then from me overflowed His Secret, so there is no one Who follows me and does not know Allâh, the Self -Sufficient, Whether they be Males or Females, whether they be servants or Kings! And once again you will see amazing matters From the Fayda of the Seal (of Saints), the Leader of the Gnostics! And all of that is the Fayda of the (Shaykh Ahmad) al-Tijânî, The Assistance of the Mustafâ, from the tribe of ‘Adnân (the Prophet SAW)! And all of that is the Gift of the Generous Lord! I Praise Him in private and public, For He created me to bridge the Gap (between God and His Creation). Indeed, I am the Vice-regent of the Secret of the Secret!”