The most important title published by Fayda Books so far, the Jawahir al-Ma’ani is the crown achievement of Fayda Books Publishing and Distribution.
After the Holy Qur’an and noble books of Hadith, Tijanis count the Jawahir as their most important book. It is the main book directly from Shaykh Tijani’s (RA) lifetime, preserved and protected. A book that outlines the Shaykhs life, experiences, prayers and insights.
This first volume is an absolute must have for all Tijanis and the best reference for all who are interested in knowing more about the Hidden seal of Muhammadan Sainthood, our Master, Shaykh Ahmad al-Tijani.
We pray that Allah bless all who worked for years to bring this first volume to the public. First and foremost of our thanks must go to Imam Shaykh Tijani Cisse for granting us the permission, 7 years ago, to undertake the translation and publishing of the books of the Tijani Tariqa. It is without doubt that Imams permission has been the driving force that has led us to produce over 30 titles in such a short time. May Allah preserve and increase our Imam.
We must also give thanks to Shaykh Mahy Cisse for his encouragement and guidance in this effort. May Allah preserve the Shaykh for us. And special thanks to our brother, the scholar, Sidi Talut Dawud for translating the work. His sacrifices and high aspirations have proven to be truly blessed.
Finally, our thanks to all who have supported Fayda Books over the years. It is your support that has kept our publishing house a success and benefit to the lovers of Allah, His Prophet, His Khalifa and his Khalifa.
May Allah increase us in this Deen and Tariqa, and May we all come to understand the value of the leader of the Saints, as has been expressed to us by his Grand Khalifa, Sahibul Fayda, Shaykh al-Islam al-Hajj Ibrahim Niasse.
Amin, Wa’salaam.
May Allah give us Allah.
Ibrahim Ahmed Dimson &
Osman Ahmed Dimson